Web Design In Sydney

WordPress Maintenance Care Plans

If you want to grow your business, it’s essential that your website is running at its best. That’s why we offer a range of services designed to keep your site running smoothly and securely. We take care of your website’s performance and security so that you can focus on running your business.

The key to your website’s maintenance and health is its monitoring it for breaches, vulnerabilities, performance, updates, security etc. We have all the software, knowledge and systems in place to ensure your website is backed up, protected, preforming accordingly and updated based on your selected WordPress Maintenance Care Plans.

Did you know, If your website is down or loads slowly, it’s bad for the business, because it’s actually costing you money by losing clients

we have create a care plans tailored to the needs of each business website and budget, ensuring that all aspects are covered from hosting through optimisation and beyond. You’ll be able to relax knowing our experts are taking care of every aspects of your business digital asset in your business for you!

“Bullet-Proof Your Website From The Unknown To Be Stress FREE”

Brief explanation on WordPress Maintenance Care Plans and what each task do, to help you decide which plan is correct plan for you.


Website Health Check

Checking the site health status or score rating will guide us to inspect what is needed to improve the performance of your site and all its assets before our tech team completes each task from the care plan you have selected.




Safeguard your digital business from the bad guys, human error, software failure or even a crashed host. We have witnessed high stress level of many businesses because of the loss of their website, expensive fees to recover their site or even starting from scratch DON’T LET THIS BE YOU…
We use high secure off-site cloud backup to suit all size or type of businesses. From monthly backup to incremental backup. Incremental backups ensures you never lose any of your latest files, sales, activities or data.

Backups Archive

Backups are best stored in safe cloud base data centre especially if its encrypted. Management of all our client’s backup file and file size’s plays a massive role in managing the archives hence each plan has different archive duration.



Core Update

Primary purpose for updating to the newest version of WordPress, Themes and plugins in our care plans is to strengthen the security of clients site which includes fixing bugs, glitches, increase security and vulnerabilities.

Theme Update

Primary purpose for updating to the newest version of WordPress in our care plans is to strengthen the security of clients site which includes fixing bugs, glitches and security vulnerabilities.

Themes customize the appearance of a WordPress website. All major WordPress theme have massive team of software developers working continuously to make improvement and advancing their theme. All these must be updated in any WordPress website otherwise the website becomes vulnerable.

Plugin Update

Plugins are software’s that add certain functions to a WordPress website by plugging into the core and theme, there are thousands of plugins out there. Plugins also need to be updated just like the WordPress core and WordPress theme. At Sydney website design agency, we only invest into trusted premium paid plugins to save time, energy and have peace of mind.


Website Optimisation

has many meanings in the online world, in this case we are only discussing optimisation in technical terms only NOT “advertising or marketing terms” but it has massive impact on overall performance of any online business.

Speed Optimisation

Requires many aspects of website such as image, CSS and Minify JavaScript, Leveraging Browser Caching, Server Response Time, Removal of Query Strings and many other tasks to be optimised to achieve a great result of speed optimisation.

Database Optimisation

Database is where all the data of each website structured. Reducing database communication time is required to increase the response time from database on the server. Database of each website grows with all the contents, updates etc… Therefore database must be maintained and optimised.

Performance Scanning

There are number of online software’s used to scan the performance of any website to diagnose the errors. Once the scan is completed, we can implement improvements strategies because this will support all other optimisations.

Optimised Hosting

Hosting companies play a massive role in hosting optimisation, selecting the correct hosting company to host or transfer your website to will have massive impact in your website overall performance because it is one of the main foundation of website. Keeping all files and database clean then ensure bandwidth and storage size is optimised.



Technical or E-Commerce Support; Support and consultation are totally two skill sets. To save you and our team unproductive time we highly recommend for you to follow through the support system.
Our support team will prioritise your support request based on your current plan, urgency of your support and requirements.


Website Security

WE CAN NOT emphasised enough the importance of having your website safe and secure; Because it protects your assets, clients data and eventually leading to increased business revenue.

Website Security Scanning

We install software’s that scans vulnerability of a website and notifies us if the security of website has been breached and what actions is required.

Spam Clean-up

There are robots that scan the internet looking for spamming websites, we manage and monitor this process to give you peace of mind.

Uptime Monitoring

It’s another fantastic software which continuously check the status of website and server 24/7 365 days for its availability and performance.

Audit Login protection & masking

Better secure your default login URL. Make it tougher for bots to find your login screen with a unique slug.

Two-factor authentication

Join millions who safeguard their accounts with two-factor authentication. Activate 2FA to protect your account with both your password and phone.

Blocklist monitoring

Protect your site with manual and automatic IP ban, and allowlist control.

Google reCAPTCHA

Add reCAPTCHA to your login, registration, and password reset pages to help protect from fraud and abuse.

Pwned Password Check

Entered passwords are checked against public database breach records.

IP Lockout

Permanently ban IP’s or trigger a timed lockout after a set number of failed login attempts.


Website and hosting management

Many of our client love the fact we manage their hosting company for them; not just because we understand the tech jargon and the software also because they done have to worry Storage, bandwidth and all the updates.

SSL Management

SSL certificate is a must for all websites these days and there are varieties of them to suite different business depending on the traffic and dollar value turnaround on that website. You simply do not want miss renewing your SSL as it could cause many hours of downtime. Hence our clients prefer us to manage it for them.

Multisite Management

Multisite is mainly use for coaches, mentors, course creators sales/landing pages, running advertising campaign and a few other industries. Multisite is literally another website that operates with sub name of the main website “ sub.yourwebsitename.com “.
Just like the main site the sub website needs all the care and maintenance.

Choose The Best Website Care Plan For You…

We take CARE of your website asset and investment by keeping it all maintained, secured, optimised, updated, backed up and make it operate seamlessly while you do what you do best in your business…
